Sunday, February 19, 2012

Smokey and the bird bath

OK, so we all know cats hate water, right? Sorry, it is not true! Smokey put that one to rest today. He loves water. He loves running water; loves to drink from his fountain, and any running tap or faucet that he encounters in the house. And I've seen him drink from the bird bath on many an occasion, but I've not seen him play with the water quite so much as he did today...

First, he got on the water bowl as he often does. Pottered about up there...

...before taking a back flip down to the ground, complete with water splash!

Then he had to investigate where the water drips were going, and play with some grass.

But he was soon thirsty and wanted a drink, of course...

And then he started bashing the water with his paw. Pretty soon, he'd climbed up again and started giving it a proper go.

He then spent the next 15 minutes chasing leaves and his reflection in the water... getting right into it, he was! I've not seen him deliberately get quite so wet as he was doing here. He spent the following 15 minutes washing himself dry - his front paws were completely soaked, of course - before going about his day. Watch the video to see him in action...

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